What are your Funeral Final Wishes?
Establishing your Funeral Final Wishes maybe the last thing it has crossed your mind. Or perhaps you have already discussed it with your spouse and children.The reality is that most people do not prepare for that final moment, and families end up experiencing a tremendous amount of financial and emotional stress when a family member dies. Our Funeral Insurance program includes Free Funeral Planning with your Final wishes to make sure all the details of you funeral are established ahead of time. Our Final Wishes Plan includes details of your funeral wishes, as well as a guide to help you establish your legacy with details and instructions on how you would like to be remembered.

What Are Your Funeral Rights?
A very important part of your funeral planning and your last wishes is to know more about your funeral rights. In the United States, there are laws that protect your rights when you die.
What is the 1984 Funeral Rule?
The Funeral Rule is a law imposed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States. It is designed to protect consumers, while they organize funerals and consider options for the disposition of a body. Under the Funeral Rule, funeral directors have certain obligations to consumers, and consumers have certain rights. Through our funeral plan with your last wishes, you can choose and choose the services you want at the funeral home you want,. If you appear in person to request information, the funeral home must provide a general price list that includes pricing information about all of your services, along with legal information related to the Funeral Rule, and consumers may keep this price list .
Consumers who request price information through the telephone are also entitled to know the reference price information. You also have the right to use coffins that have been purchased in advance, and funeral homes can not refuse to use those coffins. The funeral home must also disclose all legal requirements related to the funeral, and they can not force you to buy expensive options, when by law, those options are not necessary. The Funeral Rule also specifies that funeral directors must provide information about embalming, including the fact that it is not usually required by law, and must indicate prices and descriptions of caskets and urns before showing samples of clients. . The Funeral Rule was approved in 1984, in response to significant action by individuals and organizations who were concerned about the rising costs of funerals. Therefore, you as a consumer today enjoy protection and rights that you did not have before. Begin to talk with your family about funeral planning.
Three Main Steps To Help You Establish your Funeral Wishes
- Your funeral wishes must be in a writing separate from your will or trust.The best way to let your loved ones know about your funeral wishes is to write down a list of specific instructions in a document called a Funeral Wishes Plan o End-of-Life-Plan. In this document you will establish details about your funeral describing whether you want a traditional funeral or memorial service; whether you want a gathering of friends and family; whether you want to be cremated, and, if so, where you would like your ashes to be stored or disposed of; and if you want to be buried and where.
- Use an online service to document your funeral wishes. Our FREE Funeral Planning membership will give you access to theses types of final wishes planning services online .You will be able to electronically archive your funeral wishes and we will also mail you a hard copy of all your documentation so you can share it with your loved ones.
- Talk to your loved ones about your funeral wishes. Most people we talk to share with us their concern about their funeral wishes. It is one the most difficult subjects to discuss with family members. This is why we have put together this program, so you can give your family members copies of you final wishes plan as well as full access online and instructions on what do and who to call when you pass away.This will go a long way to ease stress and anxiety during this difficult time and give your loved ones peace of mind
IMPORTANT: A Final Wishes Plan is not a legal document and it is highly recommended that you also establish a will, a power of attorney, a health directive, and other important estate planning documents that only an attorney can provide.